FISTS Fall Saturday Sprint 2021 Results
Nov 13, 2021

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QRO Category

Call    Name    State    FISTS #   Mem     Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

K5YQF   Cecil     TX       8077     18        5       100     15      1500
K3JZD   Jody      PA      17513     14        3        76     14      1064
N9BOR   Mike      IL       4594      9        2        49     11       539
WB9HFK  Mark      IL       7606     11        0        55      8       440
K4KO    Greg      TN      10584      7        2        39      8       312
K6DF    Dennis    CA       3076      4        6        32      9       288
K4BAI   John      GA       2158      3        0        15      3        45
WA3GPP  Richard   PA      21321      2        0        10      2        20


Club Category

Call    Name    State    FISTS #   Mem   Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

KM0RSE  Dennis    CA      18000     1       0         5      1        5 


QRP Category

Call     Name   State    FISTS #   Mem   Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

AB9BZ	 Dave    IL      8401       3       3        21      4      84


SOAPBOX . . . Call


Fair amount of activity.  15m was open, but I did not find anyone taking
advantage of that.  K4-100w.  Jody - K3JZD


Nice to hear more stations on the bands.  Looks like cycle 25 is getting 
started.  73, Dennis K6DF


Good day here in central Tx. Worked 18 members; largest number this year.
I hope this is a trend.  Looking forward to Nov 21 and close out the year
with even more activity!  73, Cecil K5YQF


First FISTS Sprint in a longtime. I wish there could have been more participants.
73, Mike N9BOR


Worked 7 FISTS members and 2 non-members. It was hard to find FISTS among the
SKCC group, but ended up logging a few of them too. Playing with the K2 and a
new EFHW antenna. Thanks to Tom (Sam) for activating the club call W4DIT.

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