FISTS Spring Unlimited Sprint 2020 Results

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QRO Category

Call	 Name	 State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem	  Points  Mults	  Score

K5YQF    Cecil    TX     8077      20      15       130     21     2730
WB2RPW   Gary     OH    19606      14       9        88     16     1408
K6DF	 Dennis	  CA	 3076	   10	    8	     66	    12	    792
KA8HFN   Larry    OH    11631       9       8        61     10      610
WI5H     Mike     TX    16705       6       8        46     12      552
N4API    Brian    GA    19973       1       0         5      1        5
KG5SSB   Dan      CA    19890       1       0         5      1        5


Club Category

Call	 Name	 State	Fists #	  Mem	Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score


QRP Category

Call	 Name	 State   FISTS #  Mem   Non-Mem   Points  Mults   Score

AB9BZ    David    IL      8401     1       0         5      1        5  


SOAPBOX . . . Call

Had a fun with this Sprint, worked from my home station using the 20 meter beam.
Worked more FISTS members this time.  73, Dennis K6DF

Great band conditions compared to last week. A fun afternoon and almost like the old days.

Thank you for all of the FISTS QSO's, Good Luck.  73, Larry KA8HFN.


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